Health and Safety Briefing Notes



To ensure adequate health and safety awareness, training should be provided to all members on a regular basis and when a new member joins the club. It is recommended that the following information be briefed to all club members and parents/guardians when joining.

Safety on the Mat

  •   Never wear shoes on the mat

  •   Come to the training session washed with a clean Gi

  •   Watch your space on the mat and if thrown get up quickly to avoid someone falling on you

  •   When seated, kneel or sit cross legged. Do not lean on the wall – you may not be able to get out of the way quickly enough

    Safety off the Mat

  •   Wear shoes at all times when off the mat

  •   Always ask permission to leave the mat

  •   After using the toilet, wash your hands


  •   Do not come to play Judo if you are not fit enough to train

  •   If you come to a training session with an injury, inform the coach at the start of the


  •   Do the exercises as shown; do what you can and do it well but not to the point of straining

  •   If you are hurt, inform the Coach immediately

  •   Keep your medical form up to date

  •   Have a current BJA license – it is your insurance